One week before the first teleclass meeting, we'll email the teleconference
ph. # and further instructions for joining
the call!
If any of the class meeting dates do not match with your schedule, you will be able to listen to or download a recording within hours after the end of that class. However, participants who most develop their intuition are those who are live on the calls to participate in the hands-on, & who perhaps miss only one class.
Wednesdays: (6 Consecutive)
May 23, May 30, June 6, June 13, June 20, June 27 [2011]
4:00 - 6:30 p.m. Pacific
5:00 - 7:30 p.m. Mountain
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Central
7:00 - 9:30 p.m. Eastern
Animal Rights Activists/Vegans/Animal Rescuers
"Develop Your Innate
Animal Intuitive Abilities"
(by teleconference)
(15 Hrs. Total)
Dramatically increase the effectiveness and success of
your animal advocacy projects
or rescue activities... HELP MORE ANIMALS &
Absolutely everyone has natural intuitive gifts - they are your most profound tools for attracting & creating your life's deepest intentions.
Details & Registration
Several days before the first TeleClass, the TeleConf. phone # and Access Code will be emailed to you. It is NOT a toll-free number, and depending on your own long distance plan, you may incur long distance charges.
'Animal Activist - Friendly'
SPACE LIMITED for benefit of hands-on learning activities!
Questions about how this class may benefit you, or whether you fall into the category of Animal Activist/Rescuer? Please call or email Kathy to discuss.
PH: 281-535-1009
In six highly productive TeleClasses, I will teach you the 'how to' I have learned as a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, and Animal Communicator with 19 years of experience.
And, as a previous protective services child abuse investigator, animal disaster rescuer (in the field) after hurricanes Katrina & Ike, volunteer caretaker/rehabilitator of stranded dolphins for 6 years, and an animal rights advocate for 13 years, I have used my intuitive abilities at times during ALL of these activities...and I'll impart how you can too...
Through this class, you'll:
Create a tangible relationship with YOUR own innate intuitive abilities, and develop more confidence in your ability to perceive specific insights (about advocacy projects, your life issues, etc).
Activate your natural gift to perceive information FROM or ABOUT animals (even across distance) regarding their situation, physical health, & emotional/mental state.
Learnings of this class are applicable to ALL animal species: domesticated, 'farmed', wild, marine mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, etc. and can be applied to ANY situation or crisis.
And whether you are just now beginning to activate your intuition OR you want to enhance the clarity, specificity, and consistency of awareness that you already have, the teachings of this class will deeply support you.
Who may benefit from this class:
- Animal Activists
- Animal Cruelty Investigators
- Animal Rescuers including Disaster Rescuers
- Animal Rehabilitators (including abused animals)
Kathy Landry
Lower 9th Ward, New Orleans
4 months Post-Hurricane Katrina
December, 2005
It is
with deep passion
that we
offer this TeleClass
to help
create a peaceful & compassionate
for all
My highly effective (and easy) step-by-step intuitive techniques.
Rich, indepth information and instruction about perceiving intuitive insights.
Experential exercises to help you develop (or enhance) your intuitive awareness and communication with animals.
Profound hands-on experiences during class (opportunities for you to perceive intuitive insights for volunteer classmates and for animals connected with them) with the option to either share what you intuited and receive feedback in the open forum, or to email it to me for anonymous sharing during the next class meeting...either way you receive valuable feedback and coaching. This is something learned by first doing in a supportive & empowering environment!
How to identify how YOU receive intuitive insights.
The different ways that animals communicate and how to open to them.
The dynamics of receiving insights in specialized areas such as health and emotional issues of individual animals. And how to employ your intuition in developing projects, finding available resources, identification of supportive people, etc.
Inherent Bonus: You'll learn how you can perceive insights and profoundly specific-to-you tools to support your own health, emotional balance, healing, work, finances, relationships, even practical life issues (your life flowing w/ease = help more animals).
Deeply insightful information about why you may have found it difficult to access your intuition or communicate with animals. I'll break open some myths and discuss subtle but intricate subconsious and mass consciousness programming that sabotages intuitive awareness and clarity in Human/Animal communication.
I will share valuable tools and tips from years of experience to help you move beyond.
Class orientation is open & universal, inclusive of all walks of life and spiritual paths. You will be able to use the techniques to receive objective intuitive insights from your innate self or soul, or from a source that resonates with you: a creator/higher source, other spiritual connections pertinent to you, your angels, the universe, or simply the spirit of compassion.
Deeply beneficial Question & Answer periods to further facilitate your process. Everyone learns from hearing the questions and my responses.
Because class is spread out over 6 weeks, you'll have time to process, absorb, integrate, and practice what you learn in between classes.
Learn how to facilitate enough balance in your emotional, mental, and physical body to support your intuition, even in midst of challenges in your life!
Tips for nurturing your intuitive gift, and care-taking yourself as an intuitive being.
My intuitive work and orientation is based on the cutting edge science that we attract and mold our own realities with our thoughts and emotions. My teleclasses recognize, honor, and empower you as a creator of your life's intentions.
Regular Rate of this Program is $225
Join Kathy's new 'fan'page on Facebook!
Private Offerings of this TeleClass can also be arranged exclusively for a group or organization, or geared one-on-one for an individual and her/his animal mission. Contact Kathy (@ contact info above) to discuss.
As a volunteer for 6 years with the Dolphin Rescue Team of the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Kathy spent hundreds of hours cradling and caretaking ill and injured dolphins in rehab (with intent of release), 'walking' & supporting them in water when not able to swim on their own. Having spent two months in New Orleans post-Hurricane Katrina as a volunteer animal rescuer and humane trapper through Best Friends Animal Society & Animal Rescue New Orleans, Kathy
If you are only wanting to be intuitive to help your own animal family or that of friends, or to work as a professional animal intuitive in a non-rescue, non-activist way, please email Kathy. When we schedule our next regular Animal Intuition class, we'll send you information!
~ Professional Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Animal Communicator, & Composer
Degreed in Psychology, Kathy was previously a Child Abuse & Neglect Investigator and Case-worker in Child Protective Services, a crisis counselor for children and at-risk teens, and a stress management/relaxation technique instructor. Now, as a gifted intuitive, clairvoyant, empath, animal communicator, & psychic medium, she blends these skills to offer intuitive support to humans and animals.
describes this experience as having been the most significant experience of her life - yielding a profound acceleration in her intuitive abilities.
Kathy has been an vegan and
animal rights activist for 13 years, and resides in the Houston area.
Attendance is limited for optimal group size for 'hands-on' activities (which renders this class to have the quality of a semi-private class). And this specially geared class will fill quickly. REGISTER NOW to ensure a slot.
If you are interested in taking this class, please email Kathy [email protected] with the following information: Which weekend evening would work for you (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) and would you be able to begin a class in August? If not, what month?