Psychic Medium sess blurb
* 30 Minute Session - $175
Includes mp3 recording
General Intuitive sess blurb:
* 30 Minutes - $175
- Spend the entire session time on your specific questions and opt out of receiving spontaneous insights OR
- Devote your session entirely to allowing spontaneous insights OR
- Focus on your specific questions first AND then allow other spontaneous insights - as time allows.
Angel reading blurb:
* 30 Minutes - $175
- Spend the entire session time on your specific questions and opt out of receiving spontaneous insights OR
- Devote your session entirely to allowing spontaneous insights OR
- Focus on your specific questions first AND then allow other spontaneous insights - as time allows.
Communication with Human/Animal Loved Ones in Spirit
* 1 Hour In-depth Session - $225
Includes courtesy mp3 recording
Comprehensive session- Ideal for working in-depth with one loved one in spirit AND/OR for receiving messages and indicators from multiple loved ones in spirit who may spontaneously present - as well as from multiple loved ones whom you specifically request.
Additional minutes can be added by you during any private session - at the rate of $2.50 per minute.
The 'Order Now' links on this page will take you to a secure PayPal portal on the PayPal website. There, you may pay with any credit or debit card, PayPal account, Venmo, or PayPal Pay Later. You do not have to have, or use, a Paypal account (but if you have one and wish to use it, you can).
* Sessions include a courtesy downloadable MP3 recording (recommended). Or you may opt out of having your session recorded.
* Sessions are conducted by phone, OR if you are outside the U.S.: By phone or via other interactive audio services (over your computer). I do not conduct visual sessions as I find them distracting to the intuitive process - nor do I conduct sessions via written modalities such as email or social media chats.
* All sessions are held in strict confidentiality. This includes 1) that you had a session with me, 2) all insights/information that comes through intuitively during your session, as well as any information that you share with me.
I am trusted by clients who are corporate executives, media personalities,actresses/actors/musicians & other celebrities, authors, attorneys, therapists, physicians, politicians, entrepreneurs, financial advisers, teachers, etc.
* Although I do not set up appointments with children under 18, I can bring messages through for them - directly to adult guardians who have sessions. The adults can then, at their discretion, choose to utilize or share the information with the child.
* Sorry, I do not conduct sessions regarding missing persons or lost animals.
After purchasing a session, please visit the appointment reservation instructions towards the bottom of this page.
After purchasing your consultation above, and when you are ready to arrange a time (OR if you already have a session on the books from a prior purchase, OR have been gifted a session), please contact Kathy to arrange an appointment time:
PH: 281-809-5940
* NOTE: Psychic Medium, General Intuitive, & Angel intuitive sessions are not intended as substitutes for medical care, psychological treatment, legal counsel, professional financial advice, or veterinarian or professional behavior therapy for animals.
To Register for
Highly specific, supportive insight regarding physical-emotional-energetic well-being, career/talents, family & relationships, life missions, & animals. Can include animal communication with animals living in body and a limited amount of psychic medium work with humans/animals in spirit.
* 1 Hour In-depth - $225
Includes courtesy Mp3 recording
Comprehensive session- Ideal for receiving a full array of spontaneous insights + asking your specific questions in multiple areas & receiving support for them.
Direct communication with animals (living in body) of ALL species, and also profoundly specific intuitive insights about them and their well-being. Can also include a limited amount of psychic medium work with animals in spirit.
If you wish for half (or more) of your session to focus on animals in spirit, please order a Psychic Medium session instead (we can work with your animals who are living in body, as well as animals in spirit, within a Psychic Medium session.)
* 1 Hour In-depth - $200
Comprehensive session - Ideal for receiving a full array of spontaneous comunication and insights + asking multiple specific questions & receiving support for them.
* 30 Minutes - $160
Highly specific, supportive insight from your Angels regarding physical-emotional-energetic well-being, career/talents, family & relationships, life missions.Can include animal communication with living in body, and a limited amount of psychic medium work with humans/animals in spirit.
* 1 Hour In-depth - $225
Includes courtesy Mp3 recording
Comprehensive session- Ideal for receiving a full array of spontaneous insights + asking your specific questions in multiple areas and receiving support for them.
Profoundly Validating Messages
from Humans & Animals
in Spirit
Receive uplifting stories about Kathy's medium work, plus educational tips for continuing relationships with your loved ones in spirit. And never miss an update about private sessions, classes, & events!
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